Not me, unfortunately, but I like his music! |
This blog represents part of one of my course's assignments. In this initial episode, I was asked to remark on the privacy implications of students posting personal details online (as might be the case in an intro such as the current one).
Well, blogging exposes you to a wide, unpredictable audience. It's a vehicle for your opinions and perhaps offerings to potentially become known and available to many others, some of whom may disagree with, dislike or even actively oppose what you have to say or give. Crazy fans is another potential issue. As such, one may not wish to be readily available, (physically or personally accessible) to all comers. Personal discretion needs to be exercised as regards the level of personal detail disclosed.
That said, the liveliness of the communication/relationship to audience generally needs to be fostered, so, as far as possible, I think it's better to come across fairly openly as a real person to whom they can relate than a shadowy semi-fictional persona dishing out opinions and pronouncements from some undefined hole somewhere in the vast realm of cyberspace.
Assignment brief completed. See you next time.