Tuesday 21 May 2013

DLT 2: Future-Proofing An E-Learning Creation

Ah, we'll all be dead soon...YAYY!
It is my good fortune that the language and syntax of music (my e-module subject area) appears to be somewhat more enduring than the strange metamorphosing gobbledygook of code which underlies much of the e-world! In many instances it makes the occupation of future-proofing easier ...by eliminating it.

But seriously, folks...

Problems first; solutions (such as I have), second. My e-module suffers from at least these vulnerabilities:

  • Whatever vulnerabilities apply to parts of, or the entire framework in which we're working, which is technological, rapidly evolving, creating obsolescence on a daily basis.
  • I use YouTube videos in my module; the original ones on a channel I created for the module, should endure awhile (I won't remove them) but outsourced videos (or the channels on which they are situated) may disappear
  • Some other of the links in the module (to text information resources) may disappear, or their natures change somewhat, although possibly less likely.
  • Venues of music education of various types may come to de-emphasize - or possibly, neglect - information along the lines presented.
  • My material may be deemed irrelevant or uncaptivating now - in which case it isn't even present (let alone future) -proofed.
  • Similar-subject resource material may become so excitingly presented in the future (using advanced technology) that my module may dwindle away, becoming as popular as a tattered Gaelic treatise on ancient basket weaving techniques.

Solutions  ...Hopefully

Part of my future-proofing strategy has been qualitative; if it does the job engagingly and efficiently, if users (be they educators or students) like it and would recommend it, then it has some future.

For YouTube outsourced videos I have provided some alternate links, should the primary ones fail. Also, the HTML can be periodically updated, should replacement links be required.

The module can be continuously or intermittently improved or supplemented, increasing its value as it persists.

Should the code become outmoded and dys/non-functional, it could be modified to bring it into line with new standards prevailing (and even bring in newly available techniques and output).

The module could be adapted to fit the needs of various specific learning circumstances better.

Etc, etc!

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