Wednesday 22 May 2013

DLT 2: Improvements? Bah, I'm Perfect!

The power lies in the moustache...
I honestly have to laugh when people ask me to consider how I might improve upon something I've done.
As if!
I guess they just aren't capable of producing perfect stuff immediately every time, or even imagining that someone else might be able to.
Tsk tsk contemptible they really are!

And now ...returning to reality...

What would I improve about my e-learning module?

Bullets are good. I'd...
  • Make the module display more consistently across the three major browsers (I.E. primary one so far)
  • Work out the process of making the module and assessment available to teachers in more detail
  • Provide more 'further study' material
  • Tweak the look and feel somewhat
  • Solicit feedback and consider implementing suggestions
  • Add a written music component to the assessment
  • Add in a few relevant quotes on the subject
  • Add a little more historical detail
  • Get it on the web, accessible from my website.
  • Make it all seem better by not being so tired right now - it's 12.43... 
I think the whole process has been one of continuous attempt at improvement, but the sands in the hourglass have all but run out now...

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